Within the actions and commitments of sustainability and conservation stemming from our adherence to the Global Compact and the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for Life on Land, which build upon past efforts, a reforestation brigade of over 200 trees was organized in the forest near La Concepción Dam in Tepotzotlán, State of Mexico.
Fifty volunteers, including employees and their family members from the metropolitan area, central office, construction projects, and multiple sites, joined the activity. Eduardo Dergal, Director of Finance and Administration, emphasized the importance of driving these community service initiatives from within the company. He stated that recognizing ourselves as agents of change is how true transformation begins, along with a culture of action for environmental care.
For the development of this activity, we collaborated with the Cañadas community, Tepotzotlán, and Probosque State of Mexico, who donated over 1000 endemic pine trees for the region. These trees will be progressively planted in the rehabilitated area.
We often state that trees are important, but it’s worth delving into some of the reasons why they are such valuable elements in the environment:Mitigan efectos de los gases de efecto invernadero, gracias a su capacidad de absorber el CO2 y transformarlo en oxígeno.
They mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases by absorbing CO2 and converting it into oxygen.
AThey promote biodiversity by providing a home for hundreds of fauna species.
They contribute to multiple natural processes such as regulating the water cycle, controlling erosion and ambient temperature, capturing rainwater for aquifers, and regenerating soil nutrients, among many others.
These actions will be strengthened for the upcoming year, as we seek to continue supporting the community and sites near our presence.